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We’re proud to offer our members a variety of opportunities to learn, grow, and connect.

RFQ For Investment Advisor

Call for Communications Consultants

Grounded Solutions Network seeks a variety of communications consultants to provide professional services; including design, videography, PR and Media support, copywriting, copy-editing, and strategic communications support.  

Closed Opportunities

RFP: Consultant to Develop Geographic Information Systems Map

Grounded Solutions Network seeks to retain a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) consultant to support our National Strategy and Technology teams in creating a strategy for managing and displaying our Shared Equity Directory Profile dataset, updated with our 2022 Community Land Trust/Nonprofit with Shared Equity Homeownership Census.

RFQ: Project Manager Consultant – CEO Circle of Color

The CEO Circle of Color (the CEO Circle) is seeking to engage a Project Manager consultant to perform a range of project management, process facilitation, and administrative functions. The Project Manager will coordinate with the nine community development and justice organizations that make up the CEO Circle to execute the day-to-day of the CEO Circle and advance cross-organizational initiatives with peer nonprofits in the field. The Project Manager’s major responsibilities include coordinating meetings, supporting an annual retreat, supporting strategic planning to determine the long-term trajectory, goals, and outcomes for the group, along with a sustainability roadmap for the group, and producing funder and evaluation reports.

RFQ: Consultant to Support Racial Equity and Inclusion (REI)

Grounded Solutions Network is committed to fostering an organizational culture rooted in critical thinking and consciousness about race and class. For the past four years, with the help of skilled consultants, we have made significant strides on our path towards becoming an anti-racist, multicultural organization and centering racial equity in our work. We are seeking to engage one or more qualified consultants to guide our organization through its next phase of learning and transformation.

ForEveryoneHome: City Solutions for Housing Equity

ForEveryoneHome 2023

ForEveryoneHome is an 18-month technical assistance, peer learning, and community engagement program to help mixed-market cities chart a path to inclusive growth through lasting affordability. The program will work with teams of municipal officials and community leaders in select cities where renewed growth and investment place communities of color at risk of displacement.

The deadline to apply is February 28, 2019.

Learn more

Citi/Grounded Solutions Network Community Land Trust Accelerator

The Citi/Grounded Solutions Network Community Land Trust Accelerator initiative addresses the affordable housing challenges facing urban, rural, and suburban communities nationwide by propelling the growth of community land trusts and other shared-equity programs.

With a $1 million investment from Citi Community Development, Grounded Solutions Network is driving a major new effort to grow the sector and increase access to permanently affordable homeownership for low-income, first-time homebuyers.

As part of the initiative, we are administering a $500,000 CLT Accelerator Fund to invest in capital funds in residential projects for low-income families. In September 2018, we announced CLT Accelerator Fund awards to three Grounded Solutions Network members who will break ground on 83 units with lasting affordability before July 12, 2019. The awardees are:

  • Homes 4 Families for a 56-unit project in Palmdale, CA – $250,000
  • Community Land Trust of Palm Beach County for an 8-unit project in Palm Springs, FL – $100,000

In addition to these funds, awardees are also receiving up to $10,000 in technical assistance from Grounded Solutions Network.

Start-up CLT Exploration Program

In 2017, Grounded Solutions Network offered a Start-up CLT Exploration Program targeted at community groups or new community land trust (CLT) organizations looking to learn more about the CLT model.

The program included:

  • Interactive sessions with Grounded Solutions Network staff and current CLT practitioners to problem solve issues or concerns
  • A series of webinars about community land trust development and management
  • Technical assistance (by phone and email) from Grounded Solutions Network staff

Technical Solutions Fund

Grounded Solutions Network created the Technical Solutions Fund to help our members solve problems and enhance program sustainability.

Award types include technical assistance services, peer exchange stipends, and advocacy grants. Through the Technical Solutions Fund, we support members in three main areas:

  • Sustainability and Growth
  • Program Design and Improvement
  • Advocacy and Event Sponsorships

All Grounded Solutions Network members are eligible to apply. Please note that Technical Solutions Fund awards must be made to organizations (and not to individuals).

While the formal application for the fund is currently closed as we identify additional funding we still want to hear what your needs are. Please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Technical Solutions Fund”.

Resident Ambassador Program

Grounded Solutions Network is accepting applications to the Resident Ambassador Program for residents and leaseholders of our member organizations.

Through the Resident Ambassador Program, we amplify the voices of our members and their residents in order to move policies on a national level. Ambassadors participate in skill development webinars and other activities that develop strong leaders and advocates.

Each quarter, resident ambassadors meet virtually to further advance an agenda formed by and for the ambassadors.

Ambassador Benefits:

  • Training on effective advocacy, messaging, and storytelling
  • Networking with other residents/leaseholder leaders from across the country
  • Possible scholarships and travel expenses to our annual conference

Ambassador Expectations

  • Collaborate with our staff to share stories and experiences from their community
  • Participate in quarterly virtual ambassador meetings, including an hour of preparation and/or follow-up
  • Participate in our national conference

Grounded Solutions Network members may nominate any residents or leaseholders for this program.

Nominate an Ambassador


Ways to Learn

National Conference

We bring together practitioners and community leaders for meaningful conversations about building inclusive communities.

Find out more

Learning Events

We train and connect people to share best practices, overcome challenges, and nurture innovation and new approaches.

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Join Our Network

Join our national network of people building strong, equitable communities.

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Grounded Solutions Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Help us expand our work.