Resale formulas determine the future price of homes with lasting affordability. They are an important tool for maintaining affordability when homes with resale restrictions are sold to new owners.
Across the country, public investments help families become homeowners. Policymakers and practitioners are turning to resale restrictions as a way to protect this investment and help more families build wealth. However, making sure homes stay affordable over generations requires careful planning and design.

This Resource at a Glance
22 Files
11 Video
33 Tools
Key take-aways
- Setting an effective affordable price and resale formula makes all the difference in whether a home stays affordable or gets lost to the market.
This comprehensive bundle of resources offers many ways to learn about pricing and resale formulas in community land trusts.
“How to Set an Initial Affordable Price & Design a Resale Formula” is a 60-minute series of five video segments that offers an overview of the basic terminology and key considerations in setting an affordable price. The videos walk through the pros and cons of the three most common resale formulas.
The Resale Formulas, Sales, and Resales of Resale Restricted Homes Decision Guide (13 pages) and Assessment Tool (9 pages) offer information about resale formulas using checklists and inquiry.
Resale Formula Options for Long-Term Affordable Homeownership Programs is a seven-page document that outlines and compares fixed-rate resale formulas, index-based resale formulas, and appraisal-based resale formulas.
Designing Resale Formulas is a 68-slide deck by Burlington Associates that outlines the purpose of resale formulas and examines two different types of resale formulas, index-based formulas, and appraisal-based formulas.
The Interactive Resale Formula Comparison Tool is available as an Excel spreadsheet. It is designed to help affordable housing practitioners explore their options for resale formulas.