Board of Directors
Our board of directors brings decades of experience in affordable housing and community development to our work at Grounded Solutions Network. We rely on their leadership to achieve our vision of a future where everyone has a home.
Executive Committee

Hala Farid
PRESIDENTExecutive Director
Texas Community Capital
Austin, TX
Peter Dean
TREASURERNational Project Manager
Urban Homesteading Assistance Board
New York, NY

Garrick Good
SECRETARYExecutive Director
North East Housing Initiative
Baltimore, MD
Board Members

Ben L. Bynum
Senior Director, Impact Investing
The Colorado Health Foundation
Denver, CO

Jonathan Frederick
Housing Alexandria
Alexandria, VA

Miguel Gavaldon
Independent Consultant
Castro Valley, CA

Robert Hammond
President and Chief Strategy Officer
Therme North America

Fathia Macauley
Affordable Housing Finance Consulting and Advising
San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Jerry Maldonado
Vice President of Programs
Newburgh, NY

Michael Monte
Chief Executive Officer
Champlain Housing Trust
Burlington, VT

Andreanecia Morris
Executive Director
New Orleans, LA

Jacob Noonan
Housing Program Manager
Southern California Association of Governments
Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh
President and Chief Executive Officer
Urban League of Broward County
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Lou Tisler
Executive Director
National Neighborworks Association
Washington, D.C.

Lisa Varon
Real Estate Development and Asset Management Manager
Washington County, OR