Stories from the Field
In cities and towns across the country, communities are rising to meet the need for affordable housing that lasts for generations. Learn how Grounded Solutions Network and our members, allies, and clients are building organizations, improving programs, and promoting policies that advance our shared vision of strong, inclusive, communities.

A creative new inclusionary housing policy for Minneapolis
In Minneapolis, it’s getting harder to find an affordable home to rent. Rising housing prices and very low vacancy rates have led to increased organizing around renters’ issues. More than half of Minneapolis residents are renters.

A community organizes to take control of vacant lots
A medical campus in Buffalo, NY was rapidly expanding and displacing longtime neighborhood residents of a historically Black neighborhood. Neighborhood residents built on existing relationships and strengths to launch FB Community Land Trust, a member-driven organization that aims to create affordable housing and maintain community control of land.

Innovative business plan expands a CLT's mission
In 2015, Proud Ground launched a full-service real estate firm, Proud Ground Community Realty, as a new line of business for the organization, becoming Oregon’s only non-profit real estate brokerage.