Tools for Success
The right tools and seasoned advice help make our communities more inclusive and affordable. Grounded Solutions Network serves the needs of leaders who want to create equitable change.

Resource Library
We create and cultivate resources that are vetted by experienced practitioners who have achieved successful outcomes—so others don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Learning Events
Explore the details of creating and sustaining a community land trust, inclusionary housing program, or shared equity homeownership program. We offer virtual trainings and other opportunities for collective learning to expand knowledge and to provide meaningful connections with peer organizations.

Help Desk
The Help Desk is the place to get one-on-one assistance. We respond to hundreds of member questions each year—we are here to serve you!

At Grounded Solutions Network, we provide information sharing, skill building, critical funding and other opportunities to grow shared equity programs.

InclusionaryHousing.org is our one-stop website for inclusionary housing information in the United States. Check out our interactive Inclusionary Housing Database Map and our Inclusionary Housing Calculator.