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[MEMBERS ONLY] Candid Conversations on Lasting Affordability Now – Peer Exchange Sessions

Suggested Audience: Grounded Solutions Network Members
July 14 at 2pm ET – Save the Date!

Grounded Solutions Network is hosting three, concurrent members-only virtual discussions on emerging opportunities with implications for scaling the shared-equity sector: 

  1. Federal Policy Advocacy for Shared Equity Homeownership Expansion – A flurry of federal policy activity has been taking place since the elections. Congress can no longer ignore affordable housing as a key factor for advancing racial justice issues and that housing is health. Learn about what proposals and bills are in the works to advance racial equity, affordable housing and shared equity homeownership, including community land trusts.
  2. Advancing Racial Equity with Inclusionary Housing – Done right, inclusionary housing programs can be an important tool for advancing racial equity in housing. But what exactly does “doing it right” look like in practice? Come engage in conversation with your peers and share your stories about incorporating racial equity into both the process of developing an inclusionary housing program and specific technical elements of that program.
  3. Groundbreaking Approaches for Community Control – Local control of land and housing remains at the core of our network’s values. As more communities explore solutions to address our national housing crisis, innovation is emerging to achieve preservation and protection of rental housing in perpetuity. Join us to learn more about the Mixed Income Neighborhood Trust (MINT) pilot occurring in Kansas City, MO and its potential for greater scale as highlighted early this year by the Brookings Institute.

In each session, Grounded Solutions Network members and select partners will share opportunities and innovations with one another to further explore growing our collective impact. All sessions will be recorded and access will be provided to all Grounded Solutions Network members for viewing, if you cannot attend live. 

You must be a Grounded Solutions Network member to register – find out more about membership at Members

Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 2:00 pm – 3 pm ET
Register Now!

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