Grounded Solutions Network members, please join us in 2023 for this series which will give all members a chance to connect and discuss overlapping themes from the field of permanently affordable housing.
Please hold the following dates at 2 pm ET/11 am PT in 2023 on your calendars. Check back in periodically for updates on topics.
January 31, 2023
- Topic: Challenges and Opportunities in an Unpredictable Market
- Description: Join us for our inaugural and informal members-only Monthly Network Call. We’ll be continuing the conversation started at the annual meeting about how the changes and unpredictability of local housing markets are creating new challenges and opportunities for our collective work and for the households that we serve. This is a conversation-based meeting intended to create space for members to connect with one another so come prepared to share and listen.
February 22, 2023
- Topic: Tips, Tricks, and Frustrations: Member Experiences with Federal Policy Advocacy
- Description: Is one of your new years resolutions to get more involved in federal policy advocacy? Or do you already have strong relationships with your elected officials? Following up on our February 9th Webinar, Federal Advocacy 101, we want to create a space for members to share their experiences- what has worked well, what do you wish you knew and what lessons have you learned the hard way?
March 22, 2023
- Topic: Multi-family Homeownership
- Description: Do you have experience financing and developing condos and co-ops? Are you thinking about a multi-family homeownerhsip project for the first time? Is your jurisdiction pursuing COPA or TOPA (Community/Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act) legislation that could create opportunities for your program to work alongside tenants to preserve their homes? The March Network Call is intended to create space for members to connect with one another on all things muti-family homeownership, so come prepared to share and listen.
April 26, 2023
- Topic: Diagnosing Pain Points: Federal Funding and Mortgage Financing
- Description: Housing with lasting affordability can be an unfamiliar model for public and lending partners, which can create challenges when members need to access HOME program funding for home development and mortgage financing for homebuyers. The April Network Discussion intends to create space for members to connect, discuss, and share their pain points around federal funding and mortgage financing and how they’ve worked to overcome them with their fellow members.
May 24, 2023
July 26, 2023
September 27, 2023
October 25, 2023
November 21, 2023