This introductory level course is for practitioners, policy makers, funders, community members and anyone interested in learning more about how to make affordable homeownership opportunities last for generations. More and more, communities are seeking policies that do more with less, balance individual benefits with community benefits, and make a dent in their affordable housing needs. This four session, two-part course will help participants make the case for shared equity homeownership (SEH) models in their local context, as well as consider critical issues like racial equity and inclusion in housing work in general. The course is divided into two parts to allow participants to customize their experience – Part One will focus on making the case and critical partnerships and policy needs for success, while Part Two will dig deeper into implementation models and provide an overview of essential elements of program design. Participants may register for either or both parts.
Part One- The Overview: Making the Case for Shared Equity Homeownership and Key Elements to a Successful Program
Tuesday August 4th and Thursday August 6th
Part One of this course will walk participants through the continuum of affordable housing investments from subsidy forgiveness to subsidy retention and will make the case for prioritizing lasting affordability. It will also highlight critical policies, partners and program elements necessary to achieve meaningful impact and scale.
Part Two- The Details: Shared Equity Homeownership Implementation Models and Putting it All Together
Tuesday August 11th and Thursday August 13th
Part Two of this course will briefly describe the models that preserve those investments including community land trusts, limited equity cooperatives and deed restricted homes. It will also provide an introduction to key program components, including affordable pricing, resale formulas and stewardship.
This course is sponsored by Citi.