Work Plan/Timeline
Outlined below are the five phases of the initiative, with an estimated timeframe for each. We are committed to supporting and serving the unique needs of participating communities. As we work with cohort members, we have the flexibility to refine the substance and timing to meet participants’ needs, while working within the duration of the 18-month initiative.
Phase 1: Selection
The two-month selection process begins with this call for applications. We will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:
Strength of team
We are looking for diverse teams of both government and community leaders who offer sufficient technical knowledge, political clout and community connection to craft an effective and responsive policy that meets the needs of those at risk of displacement in their communities. Project teams should consist of four to six members, including at least two local government leaders (including elected and appointed officials and key staff) and at least two community members who are trusted and informed voices on the housing needs of the low-income communities of color in your city. Preference will be given to jurisdictions where one of the city representatives is an elected official or a direct report to the mayor. For every team, the city’s mayor will be designated an honorary team member and is not counted toward the total team limit of four to six members.
Applicant teams must describe the need for an inclusive growth initiative and provide any available data or other information on housing market conditions, displacement pressures, and community concern over the issue.
Readiness to act
We seek participating communities that are ready to move forward on an inclusive housing agenda. Indicators of readiness include political support for participation, past success in community engagement efforts, resources available for planning and implementation, and the scope and strength of existing affordable housing infrastructure.
We will evaluate applications based upon submitted materials, follow-up interviews and site visits. Applications are due March 14, 2019, and selection announcements will be made April 19, 2019.
Lasting Affordability and Inclusive Growth Tools
Throughout this initiative, we will explore a wide range of housing solutions that can be applied or adapted to achieve inclusive growth with lasting affordability (affordability terms of 30 years or more). These include:
- Preservation strategies for subsidized (LIHTC, Section 8, HOME, etc.) and naturally occurring affordable housing;
- Non-traditional affordable housing models, including community land trusts, shared-equity home-ownership programs, and shared-appreciation loan programs;
- Mandatory or voluntary inclusionary housing policies;
- Land banks and public land disposition policies and practices;
- Housing trust funds, loan funds, and other financing strategies;
- Improving monitoring and stewardship of affordable units.
Phase 2: Launch
This phase will focus on introducing cohort members to each other and establishing a baseline of shared knowledge on which we will build. A key part of this process will be our first learning tour, which will provide an opportunity for the core teams to meet and learn from one another in person. Cohort members will visit a model program that creates homeownership opportunities with lasting terms of affordability. Additional content for the learning tour and webinar trainings will be determined collaboratively based upon the needs of participating cities. (2 months)
Phase 3: Needs Assessment
The goal in this phase is to understand the circumstances on the ground in each participating community, and to have each community articulate its goals and vision for this initiative. How this phase proceeds depends heavily on what work has already been done in each community. We will work closely with participating communities to craft an appropriate needs assessment/visioning process that augments the community’s existing efforts. We will support a community engagement process to ensure broad input in and support for the resulting analysis. (4 months)
Phase 4: Crafting a Displacement Prevention Agenda
This phase will begin with a second learning tour, which will focus on preserving affordability while improving quality and conditions in rental properties. Cohort members will visit a model program and learn about preserving deed-restricted rental units, preserving naturally occurring affordable rental units, developing and implementing housing trust funds, and tapping other sources of revenue to promote affordability. At the direction of the participating communities, we will supplement this learning tour with additional training on topics.
Building from the foundation of our learning tours and peer-exchanges, and from the relationships established through the needs-assessment outreach, communities will craft a displacement prevention agenda. The displacement prevention agenda will provide the broad outlines of the cities’ proposed approach to ensuring inclusive growth with lasting affordability in their communities. Grounded Solutions Network will provide tailored technical assistance to cohort members for this phase of the process, drawing on resources and support from partners such as the Furman Center’s National Community of Practice on Local Housing Policy, the National Housing Trust, the Center for Community Progress, and other partners. (6 months)
Phase 5: Moving from Plan to Action
This final phase of the initiative will move from planning to action. We will ask each participating community to choose one key policy or program from its displacement prevention agenda for rapid implementation. Through site visits, policy and data analysis, community engagement efforts and other consulting support, Grounded Solutions Network will help communities develop the policy or program in detail. At the end of this roughly six-month effort, participating jurisdictions will have an implementation-ready policy outline, ready for translation into ordinance and practice. (6 months)
Project Timeline
Phase | Timing | Description |
Phase 1 | January – April 2019 | Selection – Issue call for applications, review applications, make site visits (as needed), select cohort members. |
Phase 2 | May – June 2019 | Launch – Introduce members and review the ForEveryoneHome initiative, conduct learning tour on lasting affordability in home ownership, supplement with other e-learning as necessary. |
Phase 3 | June – September 2019 | Needs Assessment – Gather and synthesize prior work, map available data, conduct site visits, seek community input, draft needs assessment. |
Phase 4 | October 2019 – March 2020 | Craft a Displacement Prevention Agenda – Conduct learning tour on preserving affordability in rental properties, supplement with other e-learning as necessary, craft displacement prevention agenda. |
Phase 5 | April – September 2020 | Moving from Plan to Action – Select and develop a policy or program for rapid implementation, with policy and data analysis and outreach support from Grounded Solutions Network. |
In short, for an investment of $75,000, participating communities will receive over $225,000 in benefits, including:
- Three individualized deliverables:
– Needs assessment
– Displacement prevention agenda
– A fully-developed and implementable policy selected from the displacement prevention agenda - Two learning tours for up to six participants from each community to gain an in-depth understanding of tools and strategies employed by peer communities.
- Up to three community meetings to share and build on local and technical knowledge on key issues.
- 500 hours of housing policy consulting services, including research, analysis and technical assistance.
- Expert advice from a broad spectrum of industry leaders and seasoned practitioners.
- Specialized assistance to ensure effective engagement with the community, and especially with communities of color at risk of displacement in each city.