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Join Us to Achieve Lasting
Affordability in Housing Now!


Grounded Solutions Network is powered by the collective wisdom of our members all over the country. When we share our knowledge with each other, we all work more effectively. Building connections is one of the key ways we advance our national movement for equitable communities.

Become a member

Grounded Solutions Network desires to foster a Network that is reflective of the diverse communities and residents that our members serve. Collectively, our Network is committed to advancing racial equity, recognizing and addressing past and current disparities in access to quality housing for families of color. Our members are actively engaged in supporting and implementing policies and programs that ensure that housing— both rental and homeownership—remains affordable over the long-term.

Joining the Grounded Solutions Network membership, demonstrates your commitment to participating in a passionate community of practitioners and allies dedicated to increasing our collective affordable housing impact.

Grounded Solutions Network members are United States-based nonprofit organizations, public agencies and individuals that share our vision for a future where everyone has access to a home they can afford in economically and racially diverse communities of opportunity that foster better health, academic, and economic outcomes.

If you have questions, please reach out to us at
[email protected]

“Grounded Solutions Network provides the best training and networking opportunities for our organization’s board and staff members regarding community land trust housing and other community-based, innovative housing solutions. Period.”

– Jeff Corey, One Roof Community Housing

Champion Membership demonstrates deep commitment to our work. Champion Members support not only our organization, but also other network members that need assistance to advance lasting affordable housing options in their communities.

Champion Membership – (Roof $5,610)

  • 50% off Training Institute member rate
  • Special GSN logo to show off your membership level
  • Your logo on the champion members page of our website
  • Special recognition at our member events
  • Knowing that your level of membership helps other members access tools and resources they would not have without you!

Champion Membership – (Door $2,000)

  • 25% off Training Institute member rate
  • Special GSN logo to show off your membership level
  • Your logo on the champion members page of our website
  • Special recognition at our member events
  • Knowing that your level of membership helps other members access tools and resources they would not have without you!

Nonprofit organizations and public agencies members are United States-based that share our vision for a future where everyone has access to a home they can afford in economically and racially diverse communities of opportunity that foster better health, academic, and economic outcomes.

Organization Member – Public Agency


Organization Member – Nonprofit
(operating budget $1,000,001 and Above)


Organization Member – Nonprofit
(operating budget $500,001-$1,000,000)


Organization Member – Nonprofit
(operating budget $250,001-$500,000)


Organization Member – Nonprofit
(operating budget < $250,000)


Start-up Organization
(incorporated < 2 years)


Individual Memberships are for individuals based in the United States that share our vision for a future where everyone has access to a home they can afford in economically and racially diverse communities of opportunity that foster better health, academic, and economic outcomes.

Individual Membership



Ways to Learn

National Conference

We bring together practitioners and community leaders for meaningful conversations about building inclusive communities.

Find out more

Learning Events

We train and connect people to share best practices, overcome challenges, and nurture innovation and new approaches.

View events

Join Our Network

Join our national network of people building strong, equitable communities.

Become a Member

Grounded Solutions Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Help us expand our work.