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Training Institute Online

Grounded Solutions Network launched the Training Institute Online (TIO) in 2019 to bring our Training Institute courses to a wider audience. With virtual learning here to stay, we are continuing our legacy of offering excellent virtual trainings to shared equity homeownership practitioners and stakeholders across the country.

Laptop webinar

“The presenters are very knowledgeable and personable, and provided practical information. In addition, they invited the participants to share real-life issues, challenges and solutions that helped a lot.”

-TIO Attendee

Course List

2025 TIO Series

  • March 19-20 – Community Land Trusts: Basics & Beyond
  • March 26-27 – HomeKeeper Basics for Homeownership Users
  • October 29-30 – Post-Purchase Stewardship for Shared Equity Homeownership
  • November 5-6 – Affordable Pricing and Resale Formulas for Shared Equity Homeownership
    • Shared Equity Homeownership: Basics & Beyond
    • Pre-Purchase Stewardship for Shared Equity Homeownership
    • Introduction to Race in Shared Equity Homeownership
    • HomeKeeper for Homeownership: Basics & Beyond
    • HomeKeeper for Housing Counseling: Basics & Beyond 

    Course Structure

    TIO courses are structured as two-day instructor-led courses that meet virtually for either 90 minutes or 3 hours each day. Participants build skills through expert instruction, small group discussions, and reflective activities. Attendance is typically capped at between 20 and 45 participants per course, depending on the topic. After each course, participants are provided with course materials such as recordings and slides. Participants also have the opportunity to earn a course completion certificate after passing a quiz. 

    Most courses are designed for nonprofit or municipal shared equity homeownership program practitioners, stakeholders and partners (see individual course descriptions for details). Note that more courses for advanced practitioners are in the works!

    If you have any additional questions about the course structure or content, please email [email protected]

    Pricing and Discounts

    6-Hour Course Standard Price: $265 (plus a 3% processing fee)
    3-Hour Course Standard Price: $135 (plus a 3% processing fee)

    Discounts Available

    • Membership Discount: Members receive a $65 discount for 6-hour courses and a $35 discount for 3-hour courses. Members will automatically see member pricing reflected on our registration platform. If you are a member and do not see your member price when registering, please email [email protected].  
    • If you are not already a member of Grounded Solutions Network, we hope you’ll consider joining! We offer both organizational and individual memberships, with benefits including discounted access to our Training Institute Online. To learn more, visit our membership page.
    • Multiple Employee Discount: Are you planning to have multiple people from your organization register for courses? Once one person registers, they will receive a code for 25% off the registration price for additional participants from your organization. Additional participants can then use this code at checkout. 
    • Need-Based Scholarship: We are usually able to offer a small number of need-based scholarships for courses. Click here for the Application Form Link.

    More questions about pricing and discounts?
    Email [email protected].  

    Registration Instructions

    Beginning with the Fall 2023 TIO, participants will register for courses on Grounded Solutions Network’s Online Learning Platform. See below for step-by-step instructions on registering.

    Ready to register?

    Visit the Grounded Solutions Network Online Learning Platform. 

    Training Institute Online FAQs


    • How do I find out if my organization is a Grounded Solutions Network member?Email [email protected] to verify your membership.
    • What if I need to cancel my registration? Please email [email protected] if you need to cancel your registration.
    • Can multiple people from my organization share a single registration? No, each registration is tied to an individual attendee. Each course has a registration cap to ensure that all participants are able to ask questions and interact with colleagues in a meaningful way. If more than one person from your organization would like to attend the same course, you can use the discount code you receive in your registration confirmation to register additional people at a 25% discount.

    Course Information

    • What kind of technology do I need to participate in a course?  We use the Zoom platform to host our online courses. You can visit the Zoom Help Center to learn more about system operating requirements, but generally you will need a device and an internet connection to join the class. You can join the course audio by phone or computer/device audio, which allows access to individuals with limited internet bandwidth. Once you register, you will receive a link and password to join the course.
    • Will the course sessions be recorded? Yes, the course sessions will be recorded; however, the sessions will only be available to course participants for 30 days after the course ends. We understand that you may miss a session or want to review some content; however, these courses are designed to be most effective for live attendance and learning, so we encourage you to attend all sessions live.
    • How will I know if a course is right for me at this time?  In each course description we include an overview of the course objectives as well as information on the intended audience. Some questions you can reflect on that may guide your decision making are: Am I looking for an introduction or refresher? When might I be able to implement my learning? Lastly, feel free to email [email protected]with any specific questions.
    • Where can I go to get in-depth and tailored answers to my programmatic questions?  At Grounded Solutions we have a Help Desk to help address specific questions especially for Grounded Solutions Members. Feel free to email [email protected] with your questions.

    Interested in sponsoring a Grounded Solutions Network TIO course or other online event? Reach out to Rachel Enwright at [email protected]

    “I work for a Habitat for Humanity Affiliate that is preparing to implement permanent affordability. The course provided a great foundation understanding of what a ground lease is, how it works, and the distinction between a ground lease as a mechanism and what defines a Community Land Trusts as an organization. ” 
    -CLT Basics and Beyond Attendee


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