Shared Equity Housing Reports
Grounded Solutions Network and partner reports on the state of Shared Equity Housing in the United States.

Shared Equity Housing:
By the Numbers
Read our new fact sheet highlighting data from our 2022 Census of Community Land Trusts and Nonprofits with Shared Equity Homeownership Programs and our 2019 Tracking Growth and Evaluating Performance of Shared Equity Homeownership Programs During Housing Market Fluctuations reports.
See key datapoints from both studies combined on this convenient one-pager, a useful resource for advocacy or education about the shared equity homeownership model!

The 2022 Census of Community Land Trusts and Nonprofits with Shared Equity Homeownership Programs
In partnership with the University of Toronto, Grounded Solutions Network has completed the largest and most comprehensive national census on community land trusts (CLTs) and nonprofits with shared equity (SE) homeownership programs. The 2022 Census of Community Land Trusts and Shared Equity Entities in the United States: Prevalence, Practice, and Impact is an 81-page report boasting a 62% response rate and was published by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and supported by Freddie Mac.

Shared-Equity Housing By the Numbers (2019)
Comparing 58 programs across the country with data from Grounded Solutions’ HomeKeeper National Data Hub, Tracking Growth and Evaluating Performance of Shared Equity Homeownership Programs During Housing Market Fluctuations is based on data collected from more than 4,000 housing units across 20 states over three decades, highlighting how shared equity homeownership promotes sustainable wealth building opportunities and lasting affordability for lower-income households.