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Achieving Lasting Affordability through Inclusionary Housing

This report from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy analyzes 20 inclusionary housing programs to examine strategies for preserving affordable homes over multiple generations.

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  • Achieving lasting affordability requires strong legal mechanisms, carefully designed resale restrictions, pre-purchase and post-purchase stewardship practices, and strategic partnerships.
  • Inclusionary properties are sometimes lost due to illegal sales, foreclosure, or lax rental management practices.
  • Nearly 500 cities and towns across the Unites States have inclusionary housing policies in place.

This research, which includes a first-of-its-kind national inventory of inclusionary housing programs, seeks to identify the characteristics that successful programs share across different legal, economic, and political climates.

Are inclusionary housing programs a good tool for permanent affordability? The authors found that many inclusionary housing programs require long-term affordability periods. For the 307 programs for which affordability period data was available:

  • 84 percent of homeownership inclusionary housing programs and 80 percent of rental programs require units to remain affordable for at least 30 years.
  • One-third of inclusionary housing programs require 99-year or perpetual affordability for rental and/or for-sale housing.
Case study, Report
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