While community land trusts (CLTs) are best known for permanently affordable owner-occupied housing, some CLTs are adding rental housing to their portfolios and empowering tenants with opportunities to build savings and improve their lives.
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Key take-aways
- As the demand for well-maintained affordable rental housing continues to escalate, and fallout from the Great Recession imposes stricter qualifications for mortgage loans, more community land trusts may diversify their holdings to include rental housing.
- According to a 2011 survey of approximately 100 community land trusts, roughly two-thirds of residential properties in community land trust portfolios are rentals.
In this article, Maxwell Ciardullo examines the role of renters in community land trusts. The article, “CLTs Have Renters Too: CLTs Can and Should Include Their Renters, Not Just Homeowners, in Governance and Wealth Building,” was published in October 2013 on Shelterforce. Ciardullo interviewed leaders and staff from 22 community land trusts with rental housing.