Affordable homeownership programs integrate stewardship practices to help households maximize wealth through homeownership while protecting the program and its public investment. Through pre-purchase stewardship, homeownership program staff work with buyers to ensure they are well-prepared for homeownership, financially responsible, and able to maintain the property. Post-purchase stewardship practices protect the public investment through monitoring the property and enforcing program requirements over the long term.
This Resource at a Glance
22 Files
11 Tool
Key take-aways
- The Stewardship Standards help programs that provide long-term affordable homeownership opportunities adopt best practices that will result in better outcomes and reduced risk for homebuyers, programs, and communities.
- The Stewardship Standards are useful to practitioners operating traditional down payment assistance programs.
The Stewardship Standards for Homeownership were developed collaboratively by a number of national organizations, practitioners, and experts. The document serves as an educational resource and measurable framework to help affordable homeownership programs achieve excellence and maximize impact.
The 69-page Stewardship Standards document covers the following topics:
- Program and Business Planning
- Affordable Pricing
- Mortgage Financing
- Fair Housing and Homebuyer Selection
- Resales
- Support, Monitoring, and Enforcement
After reviewing the Stewardship Standards, contact Grounded Solutions Help Desk if you are interested in accessing the Stewardship Standards Self-Assessment.